
who we are.


A community.

St. Stephen's is a different kind of church. It's a place where we take the concept of community seriously - a place not to retreat from the pressures or turmoil of life but to be actively engaged in a comunidad de base - priesthood of all believers. This is not a place where the congregation is called simply to sing and listen. It's a unique, diverse, inclusive community that will encourage and inspire you to think deeply, reflect critically, and communicate openly. No matter who you are, who you love, what you look like, or what you believe, you're welcome to join the conversation and the community at St. Stephen's. Here, all voices are heard and identities are affirmed. We embrace and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, proclaim proudly that Black Lives Matter, denounce attempts to divide and oppress, and attempt to embody radical hospitality.

Reverend Canon Jaime Edwards-Acton has been the rector at St. Stephen's for over a decade and has helped build the parish into a vibrant, thriving ministry in Hollywood. More comfortable in jeans and Doc Martens than dress slacks and loafers, Rev. Jaime approaches the story of Jesus as an opportunity to share insight and to begin a conversation. After each sermon, parishioners at St. Stephen's are welcome and encouraged to respond and introduce interpretations of their own - creating a vibrant and multi-faceted spiritual interaction each and every week.


A Call.

Our mission, our very reason for being, is to help one another understand, activate, and proclaim this message: that the good news actively and passionately embodied by Jesus is that God loves us — no matter what! As members of this radically inclusive community in the heart of Hollywood, we work hard not to confine our faith to the walls of a church building or the time of Sunday liturgy, nor do we believe that effective faith is a purely private affair. Thus, we are always exploring ancient and new ways to worship together, celebrate and negotiate difference together, work together, eat together, play together and, perhaps most importantly, practice justice together to ensure the dignity and worth of all people!

St. Stephen's offers a number of ministries to spur creativity, encourage healthy living, and inspire spiritual reflection within the parish and the community. In our vibrant, tight-knit, and radically welcoming community, it's easy to get plugged in to a ministry that matches your needs or fits your desire to serve.


A History of Hope.

St. Stephen's has been a fixture in Hollywood for over a century. Since 1904, it has established and upheld a tradition of hospitality and support as a welcoming and intentionally diverse and exciting space for the Hollywood community and for Los Angeles - an intentional, creative, active, and inclusive space for discovering God and discussing what matters in a city more commonly associated with stars than with service.


Church Leadership.

The fantastic team responsible for making St. Stephen's the amazing community it is.


Rev. Canon Jaime Edwards-Acton


Natalie Sanmuri

Operations & HR Manager


Payton Hoegh




Waldy Reyes


Joni Isaac



Communications Assistant